It's official.   Cyrano:  A Nose by Any Other Name by Jeff McKillip, which held its World Premier performance last year by our very own Royal Lancer Players, is set to be published in the 2013 catalog of Heuer Publishing.  Exciting news for myself personally, as I will now officially be a published playwright, and also for all those students involved in making the production a success!
Thanks to Nic and Tylas for helping focus lights yesterday, and special thanks to John for staying extra long last night to help focus and cue all of the lights for Cyrano.  With that we're one step closer to opening.

Rehearsals are going very well and our sword fight is looking good!  We've got a lot to do and time is running short, but that's the way it is with theatre.  I don't think I've ever been in a production where there wasn't something going on even down to the last few minutes before curtain; however, this is the first production I've been in where I'm still more excited than I am nervous about opening night.

The show has an amazing cast, most of whom have gone above and beyond to make this production something we can all be very proud of.  If the audience enjoys the show even half as much as we've enjoyed putting it together, it's going to be a hit.
Counting down the days until the opening night of Cyrano: A Nose by any Other Name..., and for the first time in, well... ever, I'm more excited than nervous about a show.  The cast and crew are all pulling together and this is shaping up to be an amazing production.  I am so proud of the effort and commitment everyone has put into making this show a success, and we've had such a blast putting it together so far. 

If things keep going the way they have been, we're going to have one heck of a show for everyone to see!  Tickets are on sale now, posters are going up, the set is getting finished, the lights are getting fixed and focused, and it's all thanks to the wonderful students involved in this show. 

This is truly going to be a show that no one will want to miss!
Yes!  Finally an update to this site. 
Now, I know it's been forever, but "best laid plans" and all.  This whole teaching/rehearsals/tech/parenting/life thing takes a lot more time than I had thought.  So the website kind of fell by the wayside, but I'm back now and going to make an effort to update at least a little more often. 

A lot has happened since the last update.  We had a hugely successful run of "Guys and Dolls" last year, and I'll get the poster for that up on the site soon, for those of you who want to see it "for old time's sake" or whatever other reason you may want to look at it.

We had a fun run first semester this year of "'MacBeth' at the Midnight Carnival" that was full of interesting technical FX that were really challenging to create and I think I can safely say everyone involved learned a lot from that production. (I'll have that poster up soon, to0.)

Now, we're about a month into the rehearsal process for CYRANO: A Nose by any Other Name..."
Another Saturday session down and the set for Murder in the Knife Room is starting to look like an actual room!  Thanks to all of those who have been giving up their weekend time to help out, this show would not be able to happen without you!
In related news, I have just finished and posted the official preview of the Murder in the Knife Room poster!  So check it out!  Now it's time to send it off to the print shop and get cracking with spreading the word about what a great show it is...
Ahh... work in the Theatre is never done.

But it is lots of fun!
Special thanks to my Intermediate and Advanced kids who worked so hard last week to get our theatre "Ship-Shape!"  And extra special thanks to those who gave up half of their Saturday to finish what we had started!
The Fall play is under way and we are cruising into what looks to be an incredible year of fun, and entertaining education in the Theatrical Arts.
Even if you're not in my 1-2 classes I recommend you check out the pantomime section for some interesting mime demos as well as the Cool Theatre Stuff page for just some silly mime fun.
 Only a WHOLE BUNCH more to go! 
The first week was a blur!  Okay, partly that was due to my having had lasik eye surgery the Monday before school started, but mostly it was due to the general insanity that is the first week of any school year. 
I've ordered a bunch of scripts to review for future shows, and I placed the order for all of our scripts and royalties for the Fall production.
Auditions are today!  I hope a lot of students show up and, if the first week is any indication, I'll have some hard choices to make.
I'm sure it will be a superb show when all is done.
Less than two weeks until school starts, and still so much to do!
Since getting my job in the beginning of July, I've already been in and out of McQueen a TON!
I've cleaned out and organized the light booth as best I can.
I've thought about changing my name Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of McQueen because of the amount of keys I have acquired in order to have access to all of the various places used for the Theatre.
I've discussed the Fall play with Mr. Carlson and the Spring musical with Ms. Burt and Mr. Baker (both of which will be revealed later).
I've taken inventory of what needs to be accomplished to get our theater ship-shape and ready for performances, and am prioritizing a list of what needs to be done when.
It's going to be a busy year and a LOT of work, but I'm sure it will also be an absolute blast!
I'm looking forward to it!